One Hundred Years Of Axiomatic Set Theory

This Cahier du centre de logique is made of papers presented at the homonymous conference that was organized by the editors in October 2008 to celebrate the 100th birthday of axiomatic set theory. It
This Cahier du centre de logique is made of papers presented at the homonymous conference that was organized by the editors in October 2008 to celebrate the 100th birthday of axiomatic set theory. It can virtually be divided into two bundles of papers : one discussing systems related to Zermelo's, the other dealing more specifically with systems related to type theory and stratification, both of which treating of key notions in the axiomatization of set theory.
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ISBN / EAN 9782872099740
Genre Sciences Humaines En Langue Anglaise
Publication date 2010-07-13 00:00:00
Auteur Roland Hinnion, Thierry Liberts
Editeur Academia
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